Network Disaster Planning

Be prepared for the next disaaster
Disaster Planning

    • Data backup is likely the single most important thing that a business has to do. You can have redundant everything and complete protection but if your data is corrupted or compromised, you better have a good and complete backup ready and waiting.
    • Power protection is just what is sounds like. This is protecting your computers and network from a power problem. This can be something as simple as a little power spike to something as big as an outage that lasts more than 24 hours. It is possible to protect from all of these things but it all depends on your budget and how critical it is for your business to stay operational during one or all of these events.
      • UPS is not the company driving around in brown trucks delivering packages. This is a device that sits between your computers and network hardware and the electric outlet in your building. A UPS if properly installed and maintained can protect your equipment from that power spike up to an outage lasting 30 to 45 minutes.
      • Generators are used to keep your business going during a power outage that lasts longer than the 30 to 45 minutes that a UPS is designed to handle. Generators come in all shapes and sizes and can run on natural gas, propane, gasoline or diesel. You can have a generator permanently installed with an automatic transfer switch that will switch you to generator power when the utility power is lost. There are also generators that are portable that you manually connect to your important equipment during an outage and then move the generator back into storage once utility power is restored.
    • Data recovery can be many different things and can be needed for many different reasons. How functional your data recovery is depends on what hardware and software you use for your backup. It also depends on where you store that backup. If someone inadvertently deletes or overwrites a critical file or folder on a network share, you would use data recovery to restore the missing file(s) and or folder(s). If a user’s computer becomes infected with Ransomware, you could restore all of the corrupted/encrypted data from backup if the backup is not also corrupted/encrypted.